Thursday, November 19, 2009

Survey says....Weboltion was a success! #23 FINISHED!

I do enjoy these exercises. I think they're very helpful and necessary in order to be more aware of the opportunities the web gives us for being even better at finding and sharing information.

Lots of creativity among coworkers and some very distinctive voices too!

Thank you, ladies, for expanding our web horizons.

Un hombre en Baja, Mexcio

Well, Mark's off to work a checkpoint at the Baja 1,000. This year he's just helping, but next year he'll race it himself-and I'll be there helping. If you've ever had a desire to check out Baja, here's your chance: we're looking for pit crew members!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Blogs we like #22 Completed

Nancy and Cari, thanks for sharing a few of your favorites. I can see myself using both Tablespotting (maybe just to drool over since I'm not much on cooking) and Makeuseof.

I don't follow these regularly, but have found a few that appeal to my interests:

Yarn Harlot

Life in Mexico:
The Mija Chronicles
Mexican Trailrunner

Daily Cup of Yoga

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Photo Editing with Picnik #21 Completed

Found this Colorado Sunset photo and thought I'd brighten the rainbow and try to sharpen the mountains:

This is actually the original which, in this case, might be the better of the two:

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Government Websites #20 Completed

As ominous as the title sounds, these were actually very helpful and, for the most part, well organized sites.

After trying several times to view my home on the assessors site, I saw the note about "reviewing the data entry standards" (when in doubt, read the directions!). It's amazing what correct data entry can yield. Saw the aeriel view, what the property is worth and my assessed taxes for the year (ouch!).

I checked out the Department List/Motor Vehicles/Branch Locations because an OM resident told me there was a DMV branch at the fairgrounds, and he was right! That's convenient and something that I am frequently asked about.

On the state site I looked at the Unemployment Insurance Benefits; something that many people seem to be checking on these days. I could see using the Find a Driver License Office too.

I didn't know about Ben's Guide to the Government for kids and think that could be very helpful for basic information.