Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"Behind every cloud is another cloud." Judy Garland #7

I don't actually use either Dropbox or Google Docs, but could see using them both. I edit a weekly gardening article and have emails from the author as well as the finished articles I send off. Either Dropbox or Google Docs would be a terrific place to "store" it all so that I would have access anywhere, anytime.

I just bought a new computer and the old one was SO OLD, that many of my files didn't transfer over; had I put them on Dropbox, there'd be no problem. Likewise NONE of my albums transferred. All the photos are there, but there's no organization (kind of like my old shoeboxes full of photos).

Don't let this happen to you!

Patrons often want to type up letters, information, resumes but don't have, or want, to store them on a device; these would be terrific places for them to save their work, have access to it, and be able to revise and print off whatever they needed without paying for anything! We're all about access, here's another way to share it!