Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Downloading audio books...
How many of you have done this already? I was all set to try it out today when I came in to find an MP3 player at my desk with a note that I'd been chosen as one of the people to test them on our downloadable databases. I conscientiously followed the directions both for downloading the software included with the MP3 player AND downloading the book but although it IS now checked out to me I can't seem to find the file to put it onto the MP3 player! And I wonder why our patrons are frustrated with the system!!! Guess I'll try again tomorrow...

1 comment:

Marjorie said...

Sorry, can't help you there. I downloaded "The Pursuit of Happyness" a few months ago, but then never listened to it. I'll try it again sometime.

Great resource, but I just haven't figured out when I'm going to have time to actually listen to them.
