Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Creative Commons is Cool! #8 Completed

Wow! This is a terrific site. Great for library workers-no risk of copyright infringement. I'm likin' this a lot!

I wasn't very creative in my searches, but tried Google images and Flickr looking for photos of flowers and beaches. Then tried Blip.TV with the generic search of Music Videos and got interrupted. Searched jamendo for "light rock" and came up with an interesting variety. I liked Kaliedoscope's "Strange Lights" which was classified as: pop folk strange spiritual lights!

Put in audio books and was pleased to see a reference to LibriVox a site with 1,500 public domain titles that I was introduced to while studying. I can see this being a valuable site to know and will have to play with it a bit more to get comfortable using it.


Anonymous said...

Where did you find LibriVox? How did I miss that? Are you saying free audiobooks?

LiberryLady said...

Yup! Loads of public domain stuff. Check it out!