Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tiny URL/ Zamzar #18 Completed (as much as I was able)

Winter's coming, but I'm still gardening in my soul. Consequently I looked up the perennials at Bookcliff Gardens and got this URL:


Plugging it into Tiny URL resulted in this:

I have often received URLs from others (even in library emails) that were too long and not always apparent; using Tiny URLs would curtail that problem!

Unfortunately, I'm not having much success with Zamzar and there's no one here to ask about it. I did successfully download a video to my email address, but got an error message twice after waiting 10 minutes or so for it to download to my blog. Not sure exactly where I went wrong, but am bummed. Wanted to share a few seconds of my husband's race that is actually included as part of a full-length video that a friend of ours shot professionally.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello m8s,
If you want the easiest way (and also the fastest), use software or online web tools.
You can easily download videos , fast and convert them (to mpg, avi, mp4, mp3, and more).
Check what is said here