Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Libraries are for Users! #6 Completed

Without them, we're out of business!

I found the "sure signs that you work in a public library" on the Ohio site to be spot on. Information from the 2008 Digital Future Project Report was not surprising, but rather provided confirmation of what we already know: patrons use computers and many come to the library to use computers/stay connected with their communities (family, friends, business)!

They also mentioned that: "Public libraries have been known to offer toys, tools, or art for circulation..." I have heard of libraries loaning cake pans. What if we loaned some of the board games we have?

I find that it's both easy and difficult giving patrons what they want. Easy if they TELL you (which they often do!), but often they just kind of "expect" the library to come up with events and programs. It's then a challenge to find the right day/time combination that will get them to attend!

I found these to be a great place to "review" how best to serve our patrons and how to listen to what they want.

I liked that the orientation started with talking about the library's mission and its overall importance to everything the library does and is. MCPLD has been very aware of this while working on our strategic plan, but I think every library needs to keep that at the forefront of all they are doing in their communities. I took my title from the "users" section which so very much reminds us that without our library users we have no purpose.

Customer Service 123 did a good job of defining the customer and what they want. Both sites also mentioned the statistics of "happy" vs "disappointed" customers and how devastating it can be to libraries who have unhappy patrons.

These are helpful sites to review!

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