Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Readers Rock! #7 Completed

I'd already explored LibraryThing and Shelfari for school, so was pretty familiar with them. Had also used LitLovers when looking for discussion questions for Kiva book club, but hadn't taken a close look at it until now. Goodreads and AllReaders were both new to me. These strike me as "fun" sites to keep track of my reading (and that of others) when I have extra time but not something I'm likely to keep up with.

LitLovers appeals most to me. I like the LitCourses they offer,the reading guides, discussion tips (how to lead a book club), and the book club menus! We've often prepared foods that mirror what we're reading in my personal book club, so this is a helpful resource. This is a site I'll really use both professionally and personally.

I'd like to see something like Boulder's GoodReads page accompany our own blog and yes, I would be willing to contribute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But really, don't you think people already read too much?