Thursday, May 10, 2007

Flickr Photos

I haven't tried this before and hope it turns out okay. One disadvantage I'm finding with this technology so far is that each site requires you to "sign up" with them. I had hoped that having a Gmail account would be sufficient for Flickr, but had to set up through Yahoo. I now have two blog sites, email for home, work, and school, AND a Flickr account. Too much to keep track of!

Florida vacation, Racing in Baja, Mr. Spock and Miss Jewel

Tasks #5 & #6


kittenzgotclawzz said...

Love the kitties!

Anonymous said...

I hear you on the signing up and in for every last thing--I cannot be expected to remember such things!

Nancy T said...

Hey there Liberry Lady (like the name, by the way)

Check out the following link.

There are some free software downloads for help in saving (and retrieving) passwords.

Might be worth a further look.


Anonymous said...

No doubt!! I'm fed up with all these sign-ins. Beginning to think I should pick a universal password & user name for all the non-sensitive sites. But what do I know?
Sharon P.